Source code for sirbot.plugins.readthedocs.plugin

import asyncio
import logging

from aiohttp.web import Response

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RTDPlugin: """ Handle readthedocs webhook Register a new handler with: .. code-block:: python RTDPlugin.register_handler(project_name, handler) **Endpoints**: * ``/readthedocs``: Readthedocs webhook. """ __name__ = "readthedocs" def __init__(self): self._projects = {} self._session = None def load(self, sirbot):"Loading read the docs plugin") sirbot.router.add_route("POST", "/readthedocs", incoming_notification) self._session = sirbot["http_session"]
[docs] async def build(self, project, branch="latest"): """ Trigger a build of project branch. The project must first be registered with :func:`register_project` :param project: Readthedocs project name :param branch: Branch to build :return: """ url = self._projects[project]["build_url"] token = self._projects[project]["jeton"] return await, json={"branch": branch, "token": token})
[docs] def register_project(self, project, build_url, jeton, handlers=None): """ Register a project Find project information in the ``admin > integration`` section of your project readthedocs dashboard. :param project: Readthedocs project name :param build_url: Readthedocs project webhook :param jeton: Integration token :param handlers: Project notification handlers """ if project not in self._projects: self._projects[project] = {} if handlers: self._projects[project]["handlers"] = handlers elif "handlers" not in self._projects[project]: self._projects[project]["handlers"] = [] self._projects[project]["build_url"] = build_url self._projects[project]["jeton"] = jeton
[docs] def register_handler(self, project, handler): """ Register a new project notification handler. To setup a notification webhook go to the ``admin > notifications`` setting of your project readthedocs dashboard :param project: Readthedocs project name. :param handler: Coroutine callback. """ if project not in self._projects: self._projects[project] = {"handlers": [handler]} else: self._projects[project]["handlers"].append(handler)
def dispatch(self, payload): for handler in self._projects[payload["slug"]].get("handlers", []): yield handler
async def incoming_notification(request): try: payload = await request.json() except Exception as e: LOG.debug(e) return Response(status=400) if ( "build" not in payload or "success" not in payload["build"] or "slug" not in payload ): return Response(status=400) LOG.debug("Incoming readthedocs notification: %s", payload) handlers = [] try: for handler in["plugins"]["readthedocs"].dispatch(payload): handlers.append(handler(payload, except KeyError: return Response(status=400) if handlers: finished, _ = await asyncio.wait(handlers, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED) for f in finished: f.result() return Response(status=200)